Кућа> Производи> Solar Panel> Small Solar Panel> 182mm 150watt small customized solar panel
182mm 150watt small customized solar panel
182mm 150watt small customized solar panel
182mm 150watt small customized solar panel
182mm 150watt small customized solar panel
182mm 150watt small customized solar panel
182mm 150watt small customized solar panel

182mm 150watt small customized solar panel

Врста плаћања:L/C,T/T

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Атрибути производа


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Опис производа

182mm Solar PV Module

The excellence of the 182mm size silicon wafer is outstanding, and its kWh cost advantage is obvious, and because it has considerable power, feasible transportation, controllable cost, and a large number of applicants. It is undoubtedly the most ideal silicon wafer size standard and module size standard at present.

Haoxuan New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., as a professional Solar Module manufacturer, has launched a new series of 182mm small modules, which is more efficient, more reliable, lower BOS cost & LCOE, and quickly hot-selling.

Products Description

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Rated Power-Pm (W)


Open-circuit Voltage-Voc(V)


Short-circuit Current-Isc(A)


Working Voltage-Vmp(V)


Working Current-Imp(A)


Module Efficiency (%)


Grade A Material

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Могућност снабдевања ...


Врста плаћањаL/C,T/T


Кућа> Производи> Solar Panel> Small Solar Panel> 182mm 150watt small customized solar panel

Jiangyin Haoxuan Technology Co., Ltd.

Е-маил : haoxuantape@gmail.com

ADD. : No. 25, Yuexiang Road, Jiangyin, Wuxi, Jiangsu China

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