Кућа> Производи> Solar Panel> All Black Solar Panel> Hot popular all black PV module
Hot popular all black PV module
Hot popular all black PV module
Hot popular all black PV module
Hot popular all black PV module
Hot popular all black PV module
Hot popular all black PV module

Hot popular all black PV module

Врста плаћања:L/C,T/T

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Опис производа

All Black Solar PV Module

All Black Modules are ideal for use in roofs, carports and building photovoltaics (BIPV). The black roof and building façade are fashionable and beautiful, and at the same time have power generation benefits, which are especially favored by distributed users in Japan, the Middle East, Europe and the United States.

The cell adopts nano-scale black silicon texturing technology, which reduces the reflectivity of the cell and improves the utilization rate of sunlight.

Haoxuan Solar PV Modules also integrate various technologies such as halving and MBB to achieve higher power output and reliability.

Products Description

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Grade A Material

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Могућност снабдевања ...


Врста плаћањаL/C,T/T


Кућа> Производи> Solar Panel> All Black Solar Panel> Hot popular all black PV module

Jiangyin Haoxuan Technology Co., Ltd.

Е-маил : haoxuantape@gmail.com

ADD. : No. 25, Yuexiang Road, Jiangyin, Wuxi, Jiangsu China

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