Dachaigh> Products> Solar Power System> On-Grid Solar System> 25 Years Quality 10Kw On Grid Solar System
25 Years Quality 10Kw On Grid Solar System
25 Years Quality 10Kw On Grid Solar System
25 Years Quality 10Kw On Grid Solar System
25 Years Quality 10Kw On Grid Solar System
25 Years Quality 10Kw On Grid Solar System
25 Years Quality 10Kw On Grid Solar System
25 Years Quality 10Kw On Grid Solar System

25 Years Quality 10Kw On Grid Solar System

Seòrsa Pàighidh:L/C,T/T

  • Buadhan toraidh
  • Pacadh & Lìbhrigeadh
  • Tuairisgeul an toraidh
  • Comas Solarachaidh & Fiosrachadh a bharr...
Buadhan toraidh


Pacadh & Lìbhrigeadh
Aonadan reic: Set/Sets
Tuairisgeul an toraidh
Grid on Inverter
For residential application in countries where subsidies are provided or the cost of electricity is high
Lowest startup voltage at 80V Wide range of MPPT voltage Small, lightweight and easy to install Built-in anti-reverse function Fanless and quiet

Mounting racks

Residential Roof
(Pitched Roof)

Commercial Roof
(Flat roof&workshop roof)

Ground Solar Mounting system

Vertical wall solar mounting  system

All aluminum structure solar mounting  system

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Product Description

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Why choose us

Comas Solarachaidh & Fiosrachadh a bharr...


Seòrsa PàighidhL/C,T/T


Dachaigh> Products> Solar Power System> On-Grid Solar System> 25 Years Quality 10Kw On Grid Solar System

Jiangyin Haoxuan Technology Co., Ltd.

Post-d : haoxuantape@gmail.com

ADD. : No. 25, Yuexiang Road, Jiangyin, Wuxi, Jiangsu China

Còraichean © {keywords} 2024 Gach còir glèidhte.
Cuir rannsachadh

Cuiridh sinn fios thugaibh gu bheil thu dìreach a 'faighinn a-steach

Lìon a-steach barrachd fiosrachaidh gus am faigh thu fios thugad nas luaithe

Aithris Prìobhaideachd: Tha do phrìobhaideachd glè chudromach dhuinne. Tha a 'chompanaidh againn a' gealltainn gun a bhith a 'foillseachadh do fhiosrachadh pearsanta do cheadan soilleir.
