Dachaigh> Products> Solar Power System> Off-Grid Solar System> 3Kw 5Kw Off Grid Solar Power System
3Kw 5Kw Off Grid Solar Power System
3Kw 5Kw Off Grid Solar Power System
3Kw 5Kw Off Grid Solar Power System
3Kw 5Kw Off Grid Solar Power System
3Kw 5Kw Off Grid Solar Power System
3Kw 5Kw Off Grid Solar Power System

3Kw 5Kw Off Grid Solar Power System

Seòrsa Pàighidh:L/C,T/T

  • Buadhan toraidh
  • Pacadh & Lìbhrigeadh
  • Tuairisgeul an toraidh
  • Comas Solarachaidh & Fiosrachadh a bharr...
Buadhan toraidh


Pacadh & Lìbhrigeadh
Aonadan reic: Set/Sets
Tuairisgeul an toraidh

3Kw 5Kw Off Grid Solar Power System

Off-Grid Solar Systems
An Off-Grid Solar System (off-the-grid, standalone) is the obvious alternative to one that is grid-tied. For homeowners that have access to the grid, off-grid solar systems are usually out of question.

Components 3KW-S-HY  4KW-S-HY  5KW-S-HY 6KW-S-HY
355W fullblack half-cut 120 cells 9 pcs  12 pcs 15 pcs 17 pcs
DC Disconnect Switch 2 pcs 2 pcs 2 pcs 2 pcs
Hybrid Inverter SPH3000 SPH4000 SPH5000 SPH6000
Lithium Battery (Usable capacity) 2.2KWH 4.4KWH 6.4KWH 6.4KWH
DC cables(4mm2) 100M 100M 100M 100M
PV connectors 10pcs 10pcs 10pcs 10pcs

Mounting system Standards Pitched Roof ( Customized Optional)
PV tool 1 set

20240419092331 Png20240419092305 Png
Comas Solarachaidh & Fiosrachadh a bharr...


Seòrsa PàighidhL/C,T/T


Dachaigh> Products> Solar Power System> Off-Grid Solar System> 3Kw 5Kw Off Grid Solar Power System

Jiangyin Haoxuan Technology Co., Ltd.

Post-d : haoxuantape@gmail.com

ADD. : No. 25, Yuexiang Road, Jiangyin, Wuxi, Jiangsu China

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